Official Wicker Smith Hurricane Policy

Please note that our company policy is that if your office/local area is under a 'Hurricane Watch,' the office is open. If your office/area is under a 'Hurricane Warning,' the office is closed.



During open office hours we will continue to communicate the status of any storm and possible office closing and reopening via email. After we have officially announced we are closing because of the issuance of a hurricane warning, status messages will be placed on the voice mail system of each office. If you are unable to reach your home office number, please dial another office for information as necessary. It is your responsibility to contact another office that is open to determine the status of the office regardless of local phone system working.

General Office

Please make sure to close all doors before leaving the office. Remove any personal items of value to you. Make sure that there are no boxes or paper anywhere in the hallways or desktops. Please pick up your own offices/areas before you leave. Please be aware of those individuals who are not in the office when a storm approaches and assist in cleaning/securing their areas as well.

Client Files

Please make sure to put all files away and back in the file cabinets. Please put all loose paper away and/or secure it in a drawer. NOTHING should remain on the floor.

Case Deadlines

Because of the uncertainty of when or if a 'Hurricane Warning' will be issued, we ask that you review case deadlines and take print your calendar to take home with you. Please look up the associated phone numbers necessary to verify the appointments if necessary for the next two weeks.

Computer Equipment

Please do not remove any computer equipment from offices or secretarial stations. The only exception is if the computer is currently located on the floor. If so, please move it to the top of the desk. Please make sure that all computers (including the monitors) have physically been powered off.

Office Re-Opening

As mentioned under the Communication section above, we will attempt to leave messages regarding the status of our office re-opening on the main voice mail in each office. In the event these lines do not work due to a disruption in phone service, please be sure to call another office. If there is no message and no official advisory, you may assume that once a hurricane warning has passed our offices will be re-opened.

There may be occasions when we announce an office closing and then the storm takes an unexpected turn and misses our area completely. In those instances, we will ask that employees return to regular work hours despite the earlier announcement of an office closing. Check the voice mail call in numbers for updates on this.

Rest assured that we will continue to keep a close watch any storm that arises. If you have not already done so, please remember to prepare your homes (purchase gas, water, batteries, food, etc.) to help ensure a safe hurricane season.

If you have any questions, please contact or your local office manager. Thank you for your cooperation, and be safe!